Friday, 7 December 2012

João the Clothing Manufacturer

Hello everyone, my name is João. I am of Portuguese decent, and I work at a clothing factory. I am a clothing manufacturer. 

My job consists of looking over the whole manufacturing process. I work in a little office overlooking the factory, but I also spend my time downstairs (at the factory) making sure my employees are on task and know what they have to do. At my computer, in my office, I spend most of my time answering calls from stores requesting our products. Then, when the order has been placed, I have to arrange the expedition. When will we ship the order? How long will it take to get to its destination? Which mail provider will we use? These are all questions I answer. I also buy supplies such as thread and fabric. I always make sure to buy the best quality available, but also at an affordable price, because I believe that's what our clothing line should be:  fabulous, at great prices! 

If I had a wife, I bet she would say I'm a workaholic. I love my job. I work 10-12 hours a day, and sometimes even 14. I work on the weekends too! I love the fact that at my job, I get to use my outstanding communication skills - I talk with my employees, people on the phone, such as salespeople, fashion designers, retail clients... plus, I get to travel a lot because of my job! I get to meet even more people! 

I love this job because I love clothing. I love to see a piece of fabric and visualize what it will look like as a finished product and that's a great asset to have for my job. 

At my factory, I believe that everyone should have a place and feel welcome. Even if you put the needles in the machines, you should be able to provide ideas for new products! Leather socks? Why not?

I believe that my great communication skills, my hand-eye coordination, and my ability to view finished products is truly a benefit for my job. 

I recommend this job to anyone who likes fashion but has realistic goals...let's face it, not everyone can become a fashion designer...

And with this, I say, goodbye people of the world, and I hope to do business with you soon.

João xxx 

This is my factory

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