Monday, 17 December 2012

Zachary the Truck Driver

Hey guys,

My name's Zachary. I've been a truck driver for the past 16 years - when my daughter Ashley was born. I got a job because I wanted to provide for my family. Before then, my income consisted of my inheritance, but my older brother suggested I get a job and learn what it's like to work. Thank you Tyrone for your wonderful advice!

I like my job a lot because I love to drive - I have a passion for vehicles. I am very well coordinated (I have good body skills) so driving is quite easy for me.

I wouldn't be able to make it without my signature Venti Mocha Espresso with two sugars from Starbucks. I have to travel long distances, so, unfortunately for my health, caffeine is my best friend.

If there's one thing I don't like about my job, it's the fact that I have to sit all day (and all night). I sometimes get back aches and shoulder pain, but nothing a visit to Cindy's office, my masseuse can't fix! ;)

I like being a truck driver because my truck is my little sanctuary. I get to spend some time by myself and think to myself, alone with my thoughts. I think that I need this, because I can be a very introverted person.

My favourite part of the job is playing tetris with the packages! I have to make sure that they all fit well and that they are secure during the transportation. Sometimes I like arranging the parcels by colour. It looks better that way. You can say I'm a a perfectionist.

The only boring part about my job is when I have to fill out paperwork about the shipping and delivery. I don't like writing very much, but it has to be done.

I don't mind being stuck in traffic, because I often have my music playing and I can jam out to my favourite tunes.

Well, that's it for today guys, gotta go drive to Mississippi!


This is me in my truck, when me and my baby make a pit stop ;)

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